Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Monday, May 16, 2011

NOW OPEN~East Coast Campaign Headquarters
posted by Callopie~Headquarter Chief Administrative Assistant{HCAA}
dictated by Sullivan~East Coast Campaign Headquarters Office Manager{ECCHOM}
With NOAH~THE GREY ONE and Mr Sparkles still working on the party platform and campaign itself on the West Coast, I decided we couldn't wait to get the GREEN FLAG. So I called together my 'team' to get things rolling here in the pasture. Himhe, always adept at recognizing problems, I brought in as my assistant. Marty Grau and Ovi both volunteered to assist where ever needed. To repay me for hiding all those days my little sister Callopie, volunteered as Administrative Assistant.
Now we realize all these decisions are subject to the candidates approval but we believe Noah concur with our choices.
Our first challenge would be to hang a sign so others would know where Campaign Headquarters WAS. We found one of Noah and the fleece balls which he used as a Blog Banner photo around Easter time. It was hanging on our HC's bulletin board upstairs. It took a lot of teamwork to climb up to the desk, pull the tacks out which held it onto the cork, then get it downstairs and outside. TEAMWORK, after which we gathered around and surveyed the sign.
Our first idea was to hang it over on the area behind where the HCs sit and read on the porch. So Marty Grau and Himhe stayed on the porch floor while Ovi, Callopie and I dragged the sign up to the handle of the press. It did look nice but it would need to be attached somehow and our HC had nailed a rubber mat on the boards for privacy and to assist to block the stinky cigar of the man next door. {Not much of a help we think but might help.} The mat is black so Ovi thought it would be a good background for our colorful sign. So I moved from the chair arm to a spot below where Ovi and Callopie stood holding the sign. With directions from Himhe and Marty Grau from the floor and my assistance just below Ovi and Callopie wrestled the sign up bit by bit. With a tack brought from downstairs Ovi climbed up and secured the sign on the black rubber wall. Stepping back I agreed with the 2 on the floor that it did look nice up there. But when we all got back down on the floor and thought about it, we all agreed that it would better lower, where creatures who would be voting could see it. So back up Ovi went, and all by himself this time, and detached the sign and sent it floating down to us. We got it attached to the front of the stand and stood back and surveyed it again. Yes! Looked great! EAST COAST CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS was OPEN! Campaign Staff East

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