Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Monday, April 25, 2011

posted by Esme the Ewe
As the flock is scattered here and yon in the pasture, it leaves time for me to express myself. And I'm thrilled and soooo baa'ry excited for in 4 days we shall be in the vehicle and on our way to the best weekend EVER EVER EVER!!!
So much going on in the flock these days I know. What with Noah planning his campaign for next years Easter Creature Election. He's losing and making Fleece Balls. The losing part he will explain soon, Rude Rabbit!!!
Ellis confided in me the story of our little Callopie and the mischief with the RED TEA POT. Hard to be truly angry with her really, she is quite the little imp. Still a stern talk with her will be on my agenda FOLLOWING our return from Malice.
Piper has not spoken a word since we reported of Herzig's finding out about the Vegetable Detachment Disorder relapse. We are seriously considering bringing him along to Malice hoping perhaps the break from his routine in the pasture may at least make him communicate, well speaking in something other than Eggplant that is. All in all though he really gives no trouble although, certainly not our Piper.
All in all things are going well for me. But there has been 2 pieces of disturbing news. Our GFBFHD, Hannah, just learned her pasture has been sold so immediately a new pasture must be found and then relocated into. I haven't mentioned my private concern to Ellis the Ram. But I'm worried that the Dennison Flock may not be invited to the new pasture. Or with all the rush may be injured or left behind. I am very very worried and Hannah is so busy even if I wrote of my worries she may not see my email for a while. By then it may too late. I must ask our HC if she can help.
And truly disturbing bit of news came from our CBF, Elizabeth. Apparently she crossed the border from Canada and is now scurrying about America on a book tour. She is a very very very talented author. But it seems in the process of preparing for that trip~during which she will be at Malice, and so YES YES YES we will get to spend time with her....BUT, she did not bring ANY of the Duncan Flock. Well, she is bringing Duncan home as his anti-bullying training seems to finally be complete. Hannah is bringing Dennison back from his anti-bullying training also.
Who are Duncan and Dennison?
Oh Yes, you haven't met the Mache Triplets, Daniel being the third triplet who needed no training for a bullying problem so he remained home with us. Well, that is another tale to tell, which hopefully will end happy and the Mache Triplets will be together back in our pasture and on to new Adventures.
Oh yea, Elizabeth. So no Eleanor, Sammy or Joe or any of the Canadian flock to reunite with us over the weekend. But all in all will be nice for me as Elizabeth has asked if I can spend time with her and no doubt it will mean I get to SLEEPOVER in Elizabeth's room. I will miss not seeing the Canadian flock it will mean I will have more time with my CBF.
Just wanted everyone to know how excited I am that Malice Domestic Weekend will soon be here. And trust me when I tell you, I will share our weekend with all of you.
BBBing all the way to the weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Hello hello!!!! Yes busy busy here but we are all very excited about Malice tomorrow! Can't wait to see you all ... big hugxxxxxx the Dennison Flock!
