Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Yes, it is finally time that this blog~ whatever 'they' think its about, serves an important cause. MOI. I'm certain the lack of fan mail isn't because the world wouldn't wish to know all about MOI. Of course, its because the 'flock' has deliberately prevented ALL from realizing just who I am!

I've hacked into this machine, belonging to 'their' HC, and changed the password. They will never figure out MY password. And I've discovered that this machine can take glamour shots of MOI while I'm educating the world about how special I am. I know all this absolutely delights everyone. I can't wait til they try to use this machine......Oh, my glamour shots. Keep in mind I'm just becoming an expert-tanti on this machine. But frankly any photo of MOI is stunning. Enjoy!!! And don't fret, there is plenty of MOI for all.....

The one and only DEE VINE 

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