Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Oh, what fun I'm having taking photos of MOI. How is the flock dealing with not understanding why their blog is 'in-accessa-tantai'? I have no idea.....and why should I. They aren't talking about MOI so who cares what they are doing. Perhaps when they 're-aliz-e-tantai' just who is in control of their blog they will begin to understand how 'im-por-tantai' I really am. Anyway, enough about them, BACK TO MOI. I took 2 more 'snap-a-tantais' and here they are.......I'm thinking of hiring a press photographer though, this machine truly doesn't do MOI justice....

Now this last picture was taken by the HC. She had created the boa I have 'en-circle-en-tantai' MOI. But ONCE AGAIN, these creatures just don't pay attention when I grace them with my perfect fashion insight. She made the boa with a fiber which was similar to my fleece. So you really can't see how beautiful I look wearing the boa. I wore it just so she would leave. {I did have to remove that tacky fleece ovine from the picture. HC insisted it be in the photograph, so just ignore the odd colors.}

I know you love MOI, I love me too!
Dee Vine the Devine

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