Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

posted by Piper, OOC at Command Central
Can you believe this !!!!! BFSS, who seldom does anything with the flock, has now placed herself on the banner. I must say the sentiment around the pasture ranges from, no big surprise to anything she does ~~ all the way to huge "Baaaa' Manners" bleatings. I mean we all know she acts like a Diva and always wants to be the center of attention, but this is beyond the pale. Or is that pail? Anyway, I'm sure you understand.

When Ellis the Ram saw the banner photo this morning he went FTRM {Full Tilt Ram Mode}. Which means Ellis was mad. So mad we all decided to to be quiet, very quiet. Esme the Ewe, who is always calm, at least compared to our Ellis, finally managed to get things settled but it took her quite a bit of time.

The really unsettling thought in all this is that while the flock is busy working hard to get to the bottom of this purple, green, gold thing involving this 'flock with in the flock', she has information. Well, beyond information.....many of us believe she may be a member of this 'flock with in the flock'. I mean, DID YOU READ HER LITTLE 'EYE' love me under the banner. She is bragging. She is flaunting the fact that she has information. She stole the sled on which Ellis takes us for rides. She commandeered some of the bedding we use when young ovines find themselves joining the flock to show them how special we think they are---and is using it like a seat cushion plopping herself on top of it. Somewhere, she found a cape with purple PLUS orange. Orange which we all think is unbecoming for we ovines and is wearing it as though she is royalty. Next thing you know she will demand we refer to her as YOUR MAJESTY. {WELL THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN}.

And speaking of the 'EYE' love me blather, have you noticed how she has dressed up her eyes ! Boy is that frightening. Hope some young ovine doesn't wake up in the middle of the night with the great back luck of sleeping close to BFSS and sees those eyes staring at him. Reminds me of a scary Halloween outfit............Personally, I think she is dressed for trick or treat daily-like a deranged exploded pumpkin. {Gives me the ovine willys and is about as close to FDH as I want to be.

And this whole BFSS won't stop me from doing my job as flock OCC. And we have found several clues, even before BFSS began bragging. We have several photos which seem to be evidence of the 'flock with in the flock'. And another strange incident which when combined with the disturbing photo of something in Ovi's bowl~bed have enabled us to form some theories.

Well, I had intended this update to inform all of these discoveries but BFSS's antics are enough for this update. I will provide that update, #3, tomorrow when things are calmer and I can organize my thoughts. {Boy, sure could use my friend the eggplant now~it makes me feel safe-but Ellis the original is helping me with my condition so it will be OK}. Anyway, it is time to join the flock who have already gathered to prepare for bedtime. Tomorrow all. Oh and if BFSS creates more problems just ignore her, as difficult as that may be.

Your OOC at Command Central, PIPER

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