Baaaa cNEW Stuff

While playing HIDE AND SHEEP this booklet was discovered. Just who are these Ovines? And why do they look so different? We may need to ask our HC? Does anyone know of this flock?

Baaa'News~~~3 Ovine Plan on the knitted Eggplant~~~Himhe and Callopie STILL planning on live chat~~~A bit more worried as no news from Noah {or Noel}~~~Bobble H. Ovine has a project and is working at the other house ~~~KOO starting after school project for 2012 Krewe of Ovine float~~~BFSS aka Dee Vine still an issue!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


posted by Ellis the Ram

Haven't been able to post all week due to our HC purchasing a new printer. And why we ask would that interfere with our ability to post? Well, first a bit of background on our HC and electronic equipment of any sort. She's inept. She's incompetent. She implodes externally & internally. She has time after time gone into battle with inanimate objects.........and loses! So much to our horror we see the FedEx truck approaching last week. Panic increases as we see the driver stop in front of our pasture. We cringe as driver steps off the truck with a huge box with a picture of a printer on every side. We plead for him to take it back as he walks to our door. Alas......delivered. Now after the language we've heard the last 2 years due to the Lexmark printer which came FREE with a laptop, we hoped our HC would hesitate to start all over. BUT Nooooooooooo. {Reason #4377 why we are so happy we are ovines and not humans}. Ah, why we haven't posted......1. Can't have the youngsters in the flock hear such language. 2. As our HC fights with the new printer she sits in front of the laptop. 3. After our HC storms out of the room we have learned she can storm back at any moment which can and does result in more 1. while engaged in 2. Discretion being the better part of valor, we have kept our distance. Fortunately for us after over a week of 1, 2 and 3, our HC has achieved a measure of success. So we wanted to post quickly because in the morning we leave for a new adventure on the beach in South Carolina. Where our HC's PU {Parental Unit} spends a few months each winter. {Although she does have skin that is somewhat 'white', she has no wings and thus does fly. Leading many in the flock to question why people call her a Snow Bird???} And Oh!, her OU {Offspring Unit} aka our HC, is driving her down and spending Christmas with her PU............AND WE GET TO GO WITH HER. Who will go from the flock???? Well~~~~check back tomorrow when the lucky adventurers will be revealed. Oh, to document just what our week has been like? Well between all the hours the HC spent on 1, 2 and 3,~between rounds we had to deal with her reactions to her lack of success with the printer. See............


{Is she drooling or had the bucket recently be filled?? we ask ourselves?}

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